Friday, February 3, 2012

Sarah Barker, Paintings


4 ft. painting on steel,  Star Series + one on paper I am finishing now. The star series questions power structures and has a lot of environmental and political edges.  More on my website.

Yellow Rose references to the oil industry, lost souls and a desire for things past. 

Prey, Pay, Pray, Relates to matters of war and money corruption and peace. The piece is on Steel 4'x4', it is painted with the same pigments as on the stealth bombers. In the middle you will find a goldfish band relating to the anti fraud band running try money and the laurel or peace plant is represented in the center circle.

Health and Wealth is from the plant series still using the stars and referencing chamomile for its calming effects and wealth, This piece contemplates a deeper meaning of the term wealth, that of spirit and soul.


  1. Yes. I'd like to see at least one of these in the exhibition.

  2. yes. needs an edit and the sizes seem to be wide ranging. group show or window space.

  3. Yes. I'm seeing a few proposals like Sarah's that have a more easthetic and healing intention (rather than descriptive)like Yinka's collaborative ceramic piece (we are all different but connected) and Chris Vivas ceramic sculptures (fragile community). Maybe even abcdefgCorps' performance (generosity).
