Thursday, February 2, 2012

Emily Breunig, Artists Books Exhibit and Workshop

Hi, my name is Emily Breunig and I would love to submit some occupy artist books to exhibit and sell for ‘From Wall Street to Main Street’. These books are made of recycled and repurposed handouts, pamphlets and signage found at occupy events and gatherings mainly from OWS/nyc, but I have books that are made from materials from various occupies including Boston, Albany, Manchester NH (during the primaries!) and Washington D.C. (during occupy congress!).  I put everything I find in these books, even handouts on topics I know nothing about or that I don’t agree with. The point of my books is to give artfully collaged first hand documentation so that people can educate themselves on the actual topics, conversations, mentalities and groups representing themselves in the movement.  
They have already been shown in Gallery 51 in North Adams, MA during December and the Upstate Artist Guild in Albany, NY during January.  All profit is split up and used as follows (and I include little handouts outlining this as well): 
1/3 purchasing art supplies and materials for occupiers to make their own signage, 1/3 for my own transportation costs, 1/3 towards a project or group I support.  In the past it was Tim Pool/Occumentary and also Parents for Occupy.
As far as events ago, I would love to give a short teach in or workshop on basic artist book making during any sort of larger gathering/fair/opening? I am also with the OWS Screen Printers Guild. Im sure we could do some live demos/a teach in.  I don’t know how events are being planned, but Im assuming that workshops of this nature would be best in a larger, collaborative atmosphere.