Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Great Tortilla Conspiracy, Jos Sances and Rio Yañez, Event

The Great Tortilla Conspiracy is the world’s most dangerous tortilla art collective. Modeling themselves after the Free Masons, artists Jos Sances, Rene Yañez, and Rio Yañez bring the gospel of tortilla art to the masses like no other. The Great Tortilla Conspiracy uses the tortilla as a canvas to make art accessible to the masses. As a medium tortillas have the ability to expose the community to a wide range of issues. The Conspiracy uses their art to raise issues related to identity, immigration, miracle tortilla apparitions, the high price of tortillas in Mexico, and the rise of Transgenic Corn. The genetic engineering of corn is something that is impacting millions of people in the United States and Mexico and they address their concerns with it through their artwork and mischief.

The Great Tortilla Conspiracy for lots of info on the project. Go here to see images.


  1. YES can work in conjunction with OWS immigration rights group? (Would it be to "dangerous" to suggest these be eaten after the exhibit?)

  2. Yes. Possible workshop could take place.

  3. Yes. I like a workshop idea.

  4. Love this for Cinco de Mayo. The artists are friends of Geno's from the west coast, printmakers who developed this system of transferring a drawing onto tortillas with ink or chocolate if you want to eat it. Great one day event.

  5. yes. workshop? some tortillas on display while others made to consume? could be nice ephemeral art

  6. yes as a one day event, especially with chocolate ink!
